
Having lived in some of the most celebrated places on the planet, Lynette has created a lifestyle enriched with the cultures surrounding her. An avid supporter of local artists and organizations, her lifestyle encompasses a business style founded in promoting sustainable growth, while being at home in the world.


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the Art of a Team

“We rise by lifting others.”

–Robert G. Ingersoll

Building a team is an art. And like any artistic process, it takes years of experience to develop expertise and master your craft. Years of inspiring a vision, developing plans, overcoming obstacles, delivering results, and motivating a diverse group of individuals to achieve greater success.

It is rewarding to build a team when culture change is required. It is an opportunity to combine strengths of individual team members in a refreshed way and operate differently. It is exhilarating when you create the right formula. An opportunity to get the right things done with people in the right roles to make them happen.

It is an art to bring people together with a common purpose. Blending a team of people together to share a vision, be capable of executing a plan to deliver it, and ultimately, be motivated to do it. It becomes a balance of building collaboration and expertise while inspiring everyone to act and encourage the heart.

Opportunities are lost when delivering financial results is a top priority without considering the team of people who will deliver it. It is vital to understand everyone’s strengths and empower how they can work together and help each other create success. Tremendous energy can be generated through leveraging everyone’s strengths.

When you focus on delivering results while also prioritizing people development and building effective teams, you create an environment for new ideas to thrive. You fuel an incredible amount of new idea generation while steering the process. You create high performance teams with a dynamic blend of business expertise, creativity, and empowerment.

Finding skilled individuals who are the right social and cultural fit is also important. It balances the importance of “what we do” and equally prioritizes “how we do it.” By creating a strong cultural base, it builds morale and establishes a positive working environment that everyone wants to be a part of.

A team is fun to be in when it is built well. Balancing work and fun is essential. A team that experiences wins and losses, brainstorms and shares ideas, and celebrates successes together, performs better. Enjoying what is being created while becoming more skilled at creating it. It drives incredible momentum for growth and inspires ongoing learning and development.

I have been fortunate to be a part of many dynamic and diverse teams. My career has been successfully founded in it. The “Art of the Team” is a highly influential aspect of my personal growth. It is fundamental to how we connect with each other and partner together to achieve goals.

The ability to blend a diverse group of individuals together to achieve greater results truly is in “Art.”

An “Art” that can positively impact the lives of others in a meaningful way as you continue to master your craft.